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wrapping processes in IO.popen and festivaltts4r

Posted by Mike 10/26/2007 at 12:09PM

There is a cool gem called Festival TTS for Ruby . What it does is take text, pass it into the The Festival Speech Synthesis System , then transform the WAV from Festival into an MP3. festivaltts4r provides a programming interface to use its functionality in an application. The project includes a Flash media player so that you can use festivaltts4r easily in a Rails application. Listen to their example Rails application. To use the Flash player you need to check out the project as a plugin to your Rails app like so:

ruby script/plugin install svn+ssh://

festival4r.rb adds #to_speech and #to_mp3 methods to String and each make a simple call to Kernel#system to execute their programs. That is a quick and easy approach as #system returns false on failure, true on success, and the exit status of the process in $?

However, many processes output text as the they are being executed such as status or error messages. Before I came across festivaltts4r I had actually written my own kind of festivaltts4r for a Rails project. My approach is to capture all of the output of the process and if there is an error returned from the process use the output as the message for an Exception. The process is executed by IO.popen which also captures the text of the process. Process.wait is then called to ensure to wait for the process to finish (beware of hung processes!). Eric Hodel suggested the use of IO.popen in this manner.

Here is the model I used for my implementation of festivaltts4r. The model uses Single Table Inheritance, look at the schema annotation for clues about the overall strategy/pattern of my MediaTransform model. Also note that MediaTransformError is just a custom Exception my application raises and catches as a part of its behavior for transforming text to mp3. btw LAME is used to encode the WAV from Festival to MP3

# == Schema Information
# Schema version: 12
# Table name: media_transforms
#  id                :integer(11)   not null, primary key
#  type              :string(255)   
#  media_bot_id      :integer(11)   
#  text2wave_program :string(255)   default("/usr/bin/text2wave -scale 7 -o \"OUTWAV\" \"INTEXT\" 2>&1")
#  wav2mp3_program   :string(255)   default("/usr/bin/lame -h \"INWAV\" \"OUTMP3\" 2>&1")
#  watermark         :string(255)   
#  watermark_program :string(255)   default("/usr/bin/composite -gravity southeast -watermark 25 \"WMIMAGE\" \"INIMAGE\" \"OUTIMAGE\" 2>&1")
#  created_at        :datetime      
#  updated_at        :datetime      

class RobotTransform < MediaTransform

  def self.transform_mime_type

  def transform(text)

    # get a unique temp dir to output text2wav to
    tmp_dir = Media.create_tmp_dir(

    # set up names and paths for processing
    name = File.basename(text.filename)
    wav_file = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp_dir, name.sub(/\.[^.]+$/, ".wav")))
    mp3_file = File.expand_path(File.join(tmp_dir, name.sub(/\.[^.]+$/, ".mp3")))

    # run the text2wave program
    program = text2wave_program.gsub('INTEXT', text.full_filename)
    program.gsub!('OUTWAV', wav_file)
      out = IO.popen("#{program}")
      e = $?.exitstatus
    rescue StandardError => err
      raise"0 not returned:\n#{program}\n#{out.readlines}"
        ) unless e.eql?(0)

    # run the wav2mp3 program
    program = wav2mp3_program.gsub('INWAV', wav_file)
    program.gsub!('OUTMP3', mp3_file)
      out = IO.popen("#{program}")
      e = $?.exitstatus
    rescue StandardError => err
      raise"0 not returned:\n#{program}\n#{out.readlines}"
        ) unless e.eql?(0)

    fu ='audio/mpeg', mp3_file)
    mp3 =
    mp3.uploaded_data = fu!


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  1. Sergio Espeja
    10/28/2007 at 02:39PM

    Hi Mike!

    I’m the main developer of festivaltts4r. I like your approach, when I’ve time I’ll try to use it to improve festivaltts4r.

    If you want, I can add you as a project developer and you could be able to improve festivaltts4r ;)

    Email me if you are interested!

  2. monde
    10/28/2007 at 04:22PM

    My intent was not to bust caps on festivaltts4r, I think its great! I just wanted to point out how to wrap a *NIX process into ruby code and get all the tidbits back from the process. I’m on the fence about wrapping the festivaltts4r gem that tightly with popen since it might be too strict in the general case with hung processes and whatnot.

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