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MMS2R : Making email useful

Posted by Mike 06/04/2008 at 01:00AM

Last month before RailsConf Luke Francl and I published "MMS2R : Making email useful" on PeepCode. Its a PDF book so kill all the trees that you can buying it. The book is awesome because of the diversity of experience that Luke brings to the book and Geoffrey Grosenbach is a fabulous editor.

We cover a wide range of experience dealing with MMS in Rails and other applications. An overview is:

  • Introduction (protocol, mobile networks, gateways, etc.)
  • A Brief History (MMS integrated with web apps, etc.)
  • Processing MMS
  • Working with ActionMailer (e.g. Rails, daemonizing Rails, IMAP & POP fetching)
  • Testing (Test::Unit & RSpec)
  • Advanced Topics

MMS2R handles more than just MMS

You may not be aware of this but MMS are just multi-part MIME encoded email. And Luke likes to say that MMS2R is good for email in general not just MMS. MMS2R pulls apart multipart email in an intelligent manner and gives you access to its content in an easy fashion. It writes each part decoded to temporary files and provides a duck typed CGI File so that it is easily integrated with attachment_fu.

Pimp my WWR

I put a lot work into MMS2R so that its easy to access user generated content in an intelligent fashion. Recommend me on Working With Rails if you’ve benefited from this experience and thank you in advance!

Friends of MMS2R

MMS2R and our book would not have been possible without the help of these awesome people from the open source community:

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Spring in Action (ISBN 1932394354)

Posted by Mike 02/12/2007 at 10:33PM
I've started reading Spring in Action at work for a new project (I get paid to write Java). I think I might like Java again, thanks Spring. Our group is also thinking about using JBoss SEAM ... which I fondly refer to JBoss on Rails JBoss Seam is written by Michael Yuan and Thomas Heute from the Seam Team at JBoss

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Agile Web Development with Rails (ISBN 0977616630)

Posted by Mike 01/24/2007 at 11:02PM
I’ve started reading the second edition of Agile Web Development with Rails . I’m going to try something different and append my notes from each chapter to his blog entry as I read them. I bought this book from The Pragmatic Programmers site with the PDF copy of the book. I like having the PDF copies of their books (I currently own the PickAxe book , the Agile Rails book, and the Rail Recipes books) so I can reference them without having to search the internet or crack open my real book for a discussion of a question I might have.

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Head First Design Patterns (ISBN: 0596007124)

Posted by Mike 01/21/2007 at 06:14PM

A couple of years ago Slashdot reviewed of “Head First Design Patterns” by Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, and Kathy Sierra.

I bought the book but at the time wasn’t programming Java and didn’t take any further action. A weird twist of circumstance was at the time Elisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman lived in the same town as me and I would see them on the ferry that we commute on. I knew that they were Java programmers by the JavaOne backpacks that they had but I didn’t know they were the authors of the book. Anyway, they don’t live here now, which is too bad, because I would let them know that I learned a lot from their work.

The way that I self teach is to read a book and either take notes while reading or take summary notes at the end of the chapter. Then when finished with the book recompile my notes. These are my notes from the book. They will not replace your notes when you read the book but do provide a nice reference in and of themselves (and make for some blog content).

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CSS: The Missing Manual (ISBN 0596526873)

Posted by Mike 01/14/2007 at 10:59AM

After reading Slashdot’s review of “CSS: The Missing Manual” by David Sawyer McFarland, I was interested in learning more about CSS so I picked up a copy.

The book gave me a better understanding about the different structures in CSS but what I really learned was how to properly structure HTML, validate HTML, and how valid HTML will improve search engine results for a page i.e. Seach Engine Optimization.

I recommend the book for your collection and here are my notes from reading the book …

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Tech Books I Read In 2006

Posted by Mike 12/30/2006 at 07:25PM

I read the following books in 2006. I’m writing this post to guilt myself into writing a review for each.

  • CSS: The Missing Manual (ISBN 0596526873)blog post
  • Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers’ Guide, Second Edition (ISBN: 0974514055)
  • Head First Design Patterns (ISBN: 0596007124)
    blog post
  • Rails Recipes (ISBN: 0977616606)

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