Plasticx Blog

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WP-Notable In a Typo 4.0 Theme

Posted by Mike 10/25/2006 at 11:10PM

Here are some quick notes on getting WP-Notable style book marking into the Scribbish Typo 4.0 Theme. This pattern would apply to other themes as well.

I saw post on John Wang’s Dev411 article Notable social bookmarking/networking for Typo and wanted to get the Notable book marks into my Typo 4.0 blog. I’m using the Scribbish theme so there are slightly different steps to getting the John’s Notable mods applied to a theme.

I followed his steps 1, 2, and 3 . I skipped step 4 because I couldn’t figure out what the equivalent file/location to app/views/articles/read.rhtml was for a theme.

Here are a summary of my steps:

Note: When I checked up on John’s page his server was having a 500. Here is the tar file that he published with the png icons and _article_notable.rhtml partial.

Step 1. I copied John’s _article_notable.rhtml to themes/scribbish/views/articles/

Step 2. I followed John’s instructions on how to download and install his icons in the images directory. I did notice that his _article_notable.rhtml creates an absolute URI to the image, for instance the Newsvine image will be /images/notable/newsvine.png. Change the absolute url to your images if you deviate from his example.

Step 3.
John shows a code snippet in his step 3

<%= render :partial=>"article_notable",:locals=>{:article=>article} %>

Place that snippet of code inside the div with the class name “content” in the themes/scribbish/views/articles/_article.rhtml file. Place it at the end of the div after the end of the if article.extended? block.

Step 4 (mine). In the cache section of the admin page click “Rebuild cached HTML” link and then check to make sure the Notable bookmarks show in your articles.

Extra (from me) Add Notable bookmarks to the Pages view

Change your app/views/articles/view_page.rhtml to look like this:

<div id="viewpage" >
  <%= @page.full_html %>
<%= render :partial=>"page_notable",:locals=>{:article=>@page} %>

Copy _article_notable.rhtml into a new partial named app/views/articles/_page_notable.rhtml

Now all your pages have Notable buttons like My Homepage in my Blog

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  1. Bill McGonigle
    12/11/2007 at 12:06AM

    Nice! Thanks for tips.

    Note for others who might have downloaded the file from John – the hardcoded default URL is now ‘/blog/images/notable/’. That tripped me up since I was sure I setup /images/notable the right way!

  2. mmo
    04/20/2008 at 11:45PM

    These tips worked great, thank you

  3. Mark from hosting review
    04/24/2008 at 11:03PM

    i am switching from wordpress anyways :)

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